Ludhiana: In Ludhiana, a resident placed a call to the emergency helpline number 112, expressing concern about an unfamiliar child who appeared to be around 8 years old, sitting alone outside their house and in need of assistance. Responding swiftly to the report, the local police authorities promptly arrived at the designated spot to investigate the situation.
With utmost diligence and thoroughness, the police conducted a diligent search and inquiry to identify the child and ascertain their circumstances. Through their diligent efforts, they successfully traced the child’s family and promptly facilitated a reunion.
The family, overwhelmed with relief and gratitude, expressed their heartfelt appreciation to the police for their swift response and efficient resolution of the situation. The community was reassured by the diligent efforts of the police, underscoring their commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of every individual, especially the most vulnerable ones among us.