Narmadapuram: On the basis of the guidelines given by the Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh Mr. Shivraj Singh Chouhan in the review meeting of law and order recently, MP Police is continuously working to strengthen law and order and control crimes across the state. In this sequence, DGP Mr. Sudhir Saxena made a detailed review of the crimes committed in Narmadapuram zone, the action being taken by the police to control them and the law and order situation of the zone. He inquired about the effective action to be taken against the criminals. He said that the safety of the citizens is paramount and maintaining peace and law and order should be our topmost priority. In the review meeting, IG Narmadapuram zone Mr. Irshad Wali, DIG Mr. Jagat Singh Rajput and SP of Raisen district falling under Narmadapuram zone Mr. Vikas Shahwal, SP of Narmadapuram district Mr. Gurkaran Singh, SP of Betul district Mr. Siddharth Chaudhary and SP of Harda district Mr. Sanjeev Kumar Kanchan was present.
DGP Mr. Saxena did a comparative review of crimes committed in three years, during the review meeting, along with taking complete information of Narmadapuram zone, comparative review of crimes and preventive action committed so far in the year 2021, year 2022 and year 2023. He also made a comparative review of the action taken against the mafia and the conviction/acquittal in the identified crimes during the same period. In the review meeting, DGP Mr. Saxena also inquired about the status of challans in rape cases in two months, the status of crimes pending for more than one year and the status of serving of warrants till April 30 in the year 2022 and year 2023. He directed to show separately the status of serving the warrants of the Hon’ble High Court.
According to the instructions of the Chief Minister, strict action should be taken against drugs. In the meeting, the DGP took information from the officials about the status of cybercrime in the zone and the available expertise related to their interpretation, as well as reviewed the work done in the year 2022 and 2023 in the direction of narcotics and de-addiction. At the same time, he said that strict action should be taken against those involved in the illegal business of drugs. During this, he also inquired about the progress of career counseling and learning centers being set up for the children of police personnel, the status of departmental inquiry pending for more than one year and the pending cases of CM Helpline. He said that the complaints received in the CM Helpline should be taken seriously and resolved satisfactorily immediately.
In the meeting, DGP Mr. Saxena asked the officials about the achievements and innovations of the police in the zone, what achievements and innovations were made by the police in the zone, what effect those innovations had on the efficiency of the police personnel and the general public. Took information about what is the proposed innovation etc. He said that special attention should be paid to the fact that innovations should be public friendly and that a relationship of trust should be established between the police and the public. The DGP also inspected various branches of the Narmadapuram Superintendent of Police office.
Instructions for quick disposal of pending cases: DGP Mr. Sudhir Saxena instructed the police officers to control crime in the zone under any circumstances. Along with arresting the cyber criminals by taking strict action, he also directed the police officers to make people aware of their level to avoid cybercrime. He directed the police officers to clear the pending cases at the earliest.
Special focus on crimes against women, children and SCs: DGP Mr. Saxena instructed to lay special emphasis on solving crimes against women and children. He said that the safety of women, children, scheduled castes and weaker sections is the topmost priority of the MP Police and all police officers should pay special attention to the crimes committed against them. If anyone is caught playing with their security, strict action should be taken against the culprits. He said that any kind of misbehavior with women and children would not be tolerated.
Strict instructions to strengthen peace and law and order in the zone: In the review meeting, DGP Mr. Saxena said that Honorable Chief Minister always says that Madhya Pradesh is an island of peace. He directed the officers to further strengthen peace and law and order in the zone and act strictly against criminals. He said that the cases of cybercrime are increasing a lot these days, keeping this in mind; work should also be done to make the public aware against cybercrime. He asked the officers to focus their attention not only on investigation and making challans but also on punishing the criminals.