North Goa: In an uplifting gesture, Mr. Nidhin Valsan IPS, the esteemed Superintendent of Police in North Goa, extended his heartfelt congratulations to Ms. Someya Kumari, an exceptional resident of Veroda in the serene town of Cuncolim, nestled within the picturesque district of Salcete in Goa. This felicitation came as a result of her extraordinary achievement in the prestigious UPSC Examinations, a testament to her hard work and dedication.
During his interaction with Ms. Kumari’s family, Mr. Valsan took a moment to reflect on their shared journey of UPSC preparation, reminiscing about the trials and tribulations they encountered along the way. The camaraderie built during those challenging days served as a powerful reminder of the perseverance required to overcome obstacles and reach such a significant milestone.
With genuine sincerity, Mr. Valsan extended his heartfelt wishes for a bright and promising future to Ms. Kumari. Recognizing her exceptional talent and unwavering determination, he expressed his ardent hope that she would seize every opportunity to serve the beloved state of Goa throughout her illustrious and lengthy career in the civil service.
This interaction between Mr. Nidhin Valsan IPS, an exemplary law enforcement officer, and Ms. Someya Kumari, a deserving and accomplished individual, exemplifies the spirit of encouragement, support, and camaraderie that helps propel individuals towards greatness.