Panaji: The Goa cyber crime police have arrested a Bengaluru man on charges of cyberbullying and extortion after posting a fake job advertisement online, an official said on Sunday. Following a complaint by a Goa-based woman, the cyber crime team arrested the accused, Mohan Raj V, on Saturday after setting a trap, a police spokesperson reported. According to the complaint, the victim stated that the accused published a fake job advertisement for a position at a foreign bank and contacted her through a chatting app. “The accused enticed her to attend an online interview via video call, during which some individuals, pretending to be company representatives, coerced her to undress, recorded the video, and took screenshots,” the spokesperson said. The accused then began blackmailing the woman, demanding sexual favors to delete the compromising material, he added. The woman alleged that the accused had been harassing her for the past two months, demanding she meet him in Bengaluru, or else he would make her videos and pictures public.