Rajkot City: The Rajkot City Police Cyber Crime Department conducted an extensive Cyber Crime Awareness Seminar at Kotecha School, aimed at educating students on the growing threats of cybercrime and the resources available to combat them. During the seminar, students were introduced to several key tools and platforms designed to protect individuals from cyber threats and assist in reporting online crimes. These included the Cyber Crime Helpline Number, a vital resource for immediate assistance; the Cyber Crime Portal, where users can officially file complaints related to cyber incidents; the CEIR (Central Equipment Identity Register) Portal, a government initiative to help track and block lost or stolen mobile devices; and the Chakshu Portal, which serves as an advanced tool for monitoring and preventing digital offenses. Through this comprehensive session, the students gained crucial insights into the mechanisms for safeguarding their digital activities and the various platforms available to seek help in case of a cyber-incident.