Raipur: On the 29th of January 2024, the Raipur Police successfully apprehended Abdul Majeed, who is the father of the accused individual named Mujahid. The arrest took place in the inter-state region of Maharashtra, falling within the Tikrapara police station’s jurisdiction. This law enforcement operation was initiated after the accused was discovered engaging in the illicit transportation of a substantial quantity of Ganja, amounting to 21 kilograms, in close proximity to the bus stand.
Prompt and decisive measures were taken by the Tikrapara police station in accordance with the Narcotics Act to address this violation of the law. Consequently, the accused, Abdul Majeed, was subjected to legal proceedings, leading to his subsequent placement in judicial custody.
This incident underscores the commitment of the Raipur Police to combating illegal activities and upholding the rule of law, particularly in the realm of narcotics enforcement. The collaborative efforts across state borders demonstrate the proactive approach taken by law enforcement agencies to curb the illicit drug trade and maintain public safety.