Kerala, Idukki: In a well-coordinated night inspection conducted by Kattappana Police Inspector Murugan T.C., along with Civil Police Officers Ralls Sebastian and Naufal, a suspicious incident unfolded at the Kattappana-Idukki intersection. While the police were on routine patrol, they noticed a young man riding a motorcycle without wearing a helmet. Upon approaching the intersection, the individual abruptly stopped his bike, dismounted, and attempted to flee on foot, which immediately caught the attention of the police officers.
The officers, sensing that his behavior was unusual and potentially indicative of illicit activity, quickly reacted. They intercepted the suspect and initiated a detailed inquiry. After further questioning and a thorough search of his belongings, the police officers discovered a concealed stash of 20.45 grams of MDMI, a banned and illegal drug, hidden carefully under the seat of his motorcycle.
The arrested individual, identified as Ameer Suhail (27), hails from the Varikani area, situated to the north of Erumeli. Upon investigation, it was revealed that Suhail had been smuggling the banned drug from Bangalore with the intention of distributing it for sale in the local area. The police have taken him into custody, and further legal proceedings are underway.