Bihar, Bhojpur: On January 1, 2025, a heartfelt farewell and felicitation ceremony was organized in the office auditorium under the auspices of the Superintendent of Police to honor the distinguished retirement of three valued members of the police force: a Police Sub-Inspector, a Constable, and a Sweeper. The event served as a platform to celebrate their remarkable contributions, unwavering dedication, and tireless service to the community and the department throughout their careers.
The Superintendent of Police, along with senior officers, colleagues, and staff, expressed profound gratitude for their exemplary commitment, emphasizing the significant role each retiree played in upholding the values and integrity of the police force. Emotional tributes and words of appreciation underscored their immense impact, both professionally and personally, on their peers and the public they served.
The Bhojpur Police family conveyed their warmest wishes for the retirees, praying for their continued good health, happiness, and success in the new chapter of their lives. The ceremony concluded with tokens of appreciation being presented, symbolizing the deep respect and admiration for their years of selfless service.