Ramanathapuram: A group of 5,500 policemen from across Tamil Nadu, who joined the Tamil Nadu Police in 2011, formed the “2011 Helping Hands” group via Telegram and WhatsApp. Through their 38th contribution, they raised a total of Rs.27,03,000/-. This amount was handed over to the family of Constable Dasharathan, who passed away due to ill health while serving at Abhiramam Police Station in Ramanathapuram District.
Out of this, Rs.12,50,000/- was deposited in the names of Dasaratha’s parents through an LIC pension scheme, honoring his wishes to also give Rs.2,50,000/- each to his brother and sister. Additionally, a cheque for Rs.2,03,000/- was presented to Dasaratha’s family today by Ramanathapuram District Superintendent of Police, Mr. G. Chandees, IPS.