Gautam Buddh Nagar: An immediate response was initiated upon receiving information about a fire outbreak at the Hosiery Complex Company, situated in the Phase-2 area under the jurisdiction of the local Police Station. In a swift and coordinated operation, a total of 18 fire service units were deployed to the scene. Recognizing the gravity of the situation, additional fire vehicles were requisitioned from nearby districts to bolster the firefighting efforts.
Over the course of approximately six arduous hours, the firefighting teams tirelessly battled the flames, employing their expertise and resources to bring the fire under control. Through their unwavering dedication and relentless hard work, they successfully extinguished the fire, effectively preventing its further spread and minimizing potential damage.
Despite the intensity of the fire, it is with immense relief that we report no loss of life in this incident. The combined efforts of the fire service units, augmented by the timely arrival of reinforcements, played a pivotal role in ensuring the safety and well-being of everyone present at the Hosiery Complex Company.
The successful resolution of this fire incident stands as a testament to the bravery, professionalism, and commitment demonstrated by the firefighters involved. Their unwavering resolve and the collective collaboration between various fire service units and neighboring districts have undoubtedly averted a potential disaster and saved valuable lives and property.