Muzaffarpur: The Muzaffarpur police successfully apprehended four individuals who were members of a notorious gang involved in the smuggling and distribution of counterfeit currency. This operation, conducted under the codename Fakuli, resulted in the confiscation of fake notes with a total face value of Rs.2, 150. The seized counterfeit currency comprised 11 notes of Rs.100 denomination and 21 notes of Rs.50 denomination.
In addition to the counterfeit currency, law enforcement officers also seized nine mobile phones and various other items believed to be linked to the illicit activities of the gang. The comprehensive nature of the operation reflects the authorities’ commitment to curbing such criminal enterprises.
Further legal actions are currently being taken to bring the arrested individuals to justice and dismantle the entire network involved in the production and circulation of counterfeit currency. The successful operation underscores the effectiveness of law enforcement efforts in combating financial crimes in the region.