Madhya Pradesh, Gwalior: Following instructions from Superintendent of Police Shri Dharamveer Singh, the Gwalior police have intensified efforts to apprehend vehicle thieves in the district. Under the guidance of Additional Superintendent of Police City (East/Traffic/Crime) Shri Krishna Lalchandani and CSP Maharajpura Shri Nagendra Singh Sikarwar, the Maharajpura police, led by Inspector Dharmendra Singh Yadav, successfully arrested three notorious thieves. The police also recovered 19 stolen motorcycles from the suspects.
On January 23, the police received a tip-off about three suspicious individuals loitering near Maharaja Complex, possibly planning to steal motorcycles. Acting on this information, the police surrounded and apprehended the suspects at the identified location. Upon questioning, the suspects, residents of Khadiyahar, Sihonya district, Morena, confessed to stealing 19 motorcycles from locations including Golka Mandir, Hajira, and Morena, hiding them in the forest ruins behind Amity University. The stolen motorcycles were recovered based on the accused’s identification. A case has been filed at Maharajpura police station, and an investigation is ongoing.