Ludhiana: The Ludhiana Police recently launched a helpline number 181 and a WhatsApp number 7696181181 for couples facing threats. They can also contact at e-mail id for help.
These facilities ware launched for runaway couples facing threats from their families or others. Now they will no longer need to rush to the high court for the security cover as the Punjab police, in a welcome move, issued a helpline and a WhatsApp number asking them to reach out in case of threats.
The Police, under this initiative, will provide safe accommodation and security to the couples and have asked the district administration to designate places such as rest houses and circuit houses for the same.
The Commissioner of Police Mr. Kaustubh Sharma said they can provide shelter to the couples in the new buildings of police stations as they have enough rooms in the buildings.
“After accommodating the newlywed couples who have attained age of marriage at some safe place the police would counsel their families to accept them. The police already have counselors at the child and women cell,” Sharma said.
The helpline number 181 and a WhatsApp number 7696181181 were launched on Tuesday. Police officials said the married couples facing threats can also contact the police at e-mail for help.
Their cases will be sent to the police district concerned, who will provide shelter and security to the couples. Earlier, the police provided security to the couples following the orders of the court.