Telangana, Hyderabad City: On January 23, 2025, the closing ceremony of the Hyderabad City Police Annual Sports and Games Meet-2025 was held with grandeur at the Shivakumar Lal, Gosha Mahal Police Stadium. The event was honored by the presence of the Chief Guest, Smt. A. Shanthi Kumari, IAS, Chief Secretary, Government of Telangana, along with the Guests of Honour, Sri CV Anand, IPS, Director General and Commissioner of Police, Hyderabad, and Smt. Lalita Anand.
During the ceremony, various events such as the 100-meter race for men and women, tug of war, horse jumping and pegging, vibrant dance performances, and patriotic songs captivated the audience and dignitaries alike.
The Chief Guest and Guests of Honour presented trophies and medals to the winners. In the four-day sports meet, the CAR Headquarters team secured the first position, while the CSW-Task Force teams claimed the second spot.
Following the formal proceedings, the Sports and Games Meet Flag was ceremoniously handed over with the announcement of the conclusion of the Police Annual Sports and Games Meet 2025.
Addressing the gathering, Chief Guest Smt. A. Shanthi Kumari, IAS, lauded the efforts of the Hyderabad City Police in organizing the event. She emphasized the importance of incorporating sports into daily life, highlighting that sports contribute not only to physical fitness but also to mental resilience. She encouraged the organization of more such events in the future.
Sri CV Anand, IPS, Commissioner of Police, Hyderabad, commended the participants for their enthusiasm and sportsmanship. He emphasized that sports enhance willpower, the ability to overcome challenges, and boost self-confidence. He expressed his gratitude to the officers and participants for their contribution in making the event a grand success. He further noted that around 2,000 personnel from Hyderabad City Police took part in various sporting events during the four-day meet and announced upcoming state-level championships in the near future. He stressed the importance of prioritizing fitness despite work pressures.
The closing ceremony was attended by senior officers, including Sri Vikram Singh Mann, IPS, Additional Commissioner of Police (Law and Order), Smt. Nanditha Mann, Sri P. Vishwa Prasad, IPS, Additional Commissioner of Police (Traffic), Smt. Parimala Hana Nutan, IPS, Joint Commissioner of Police (Administration), Smt. Rakshita Krishna Murthy, IPS, Deputy Commissioner of Police (CAR Headquarters), and other zonal officers, wing officials, and participants.
Our Citizen Reporter – Telangana
Mr. Bharath Reddy