West Bengal, Howrah City: In a strategic move to enhance the operational efficiency and adaptability of law enforcement officers, Howrah City Police has launched a robust in-service training program at the Shibpur Police Lines. This initiative brings together police personnel from various units across the city force, offering them a unique opportunity to undergo advanced training designed to meet the increasing complexities of modern policing. As part of this comprehensive program, officers will be trained to effectively address the emerging challenges they face in their day-to-day responsibilities, ranging from public safety to evolving crime trends.
The training aims to not only improve individual performance but also foster a collective growth in the police force’s capacity to deliver high-quality services to the public. One of the core objectives is to reinforce the administrative and security systems, ensuring that the police force is better equipped to safeguard public order and protect citizens. This program is a vital step towards creating a more responsive, skilled, and professional police force that is prepared to meet the growing demands of modern-day law enforcement. By equipping officers with the necessary tools and knowledge, the training aims to create a stronger foundation for maintaining peace, upholding justice, and strengthening the security infrastructure across Howrah City.