Thiruvananthapuram: The Thiruvananthapuram City Police have arrested the accused in the murder of Vineetha, an employee of the Ambalamukku Ornamental Plant Sales Center in Thiruvananthapuram. Rajendran, 49, alias Rajesh, a native of Towala and Vellamath in Kanyakumari district, was arrested by the SIT. He is involved in several cases including four murders in Tamil Nadu.
The culprit was finally caught after the excellent investigation of the Kerala Police and the continuous efforts of the Special Investigation Team for the last five days. After the crime, he disguised himself without leaving any evidence and asked for a lift, and escaped in several vehicles. The accused did not use his mobile phone and it was a challenge for the police.CCTV footage and circumstantial evidence were the only means for investigators to reach the accused.
Accurate analysis, antiquated investigation, and search by special teams helped the investigation team to nab the culprit as soon as possible. The accused was nabbed from Kavalkinar in the Tirunelveli district of Tamil Nadu. The defendant committed the heinous crime of stealing a gold necklace worth about four pawans from the slain Vineeta. He had been working in a hotel in Peroorkada for more than a month. He chose this day for accuracy as it was less crowded as part of Sunday’s control. He is accused of several murder cases, including attempted murder, robbery, and assault at various police stations in Ambattur, Thoothukudi, and Tirupur in Tamil Nadu, including four murder cases.
Under the supervision of Thiruvananthapuram City Deputy Commissioner (Law and Order), Mr. Ankit Asokan IPS Control Room A. C. P. Mr. Prathapan Nair, Cantonment ACP Mr. Dinaraj, Narcotic Cell ACP In Shinthara, Peroorkada S. H. O Mr. Sajikumar, Ms. Mannanthala S H, the Special Investigation Team (SIT) led by Mr. O Baiju and the Special Action Group against Organized Crime Team conducted a joint investigation and nabbed the accused.