Bihar, Patna: On January 12, 2025, an incident occurred where an individual, after purchasing jewelry valued at approximately Rs.2 lakh, inadvertently left behind their bag containing the jewelry in an auto-rickshaw. Upon realizing the loss, the individual reported the matter, prompting the Patna CCTV Control Room team to take swift action. Utilizing their surveillance system, they meticulously reviewed the CCTV footage to trace the auto-rickshaw involved.
Through careful observation and analysis of the video recordings, the team successfully identified the auto-rickshaw in question and established contact with its driver. When approached, the driver candidly admitted to having discovered the bag in his vehicle. Demonstrating commendable integrity and a sense of responsibility, he willingly returned the bag containing the jewelry to its rightful owner.
In recognition of his honesty and exemplary behavior, Ms. Sweety Saharawat, the City Superintendent of Police (Central) Patna, presented the auto-rickshaw driver with a Certificate of Appreciation. This gesture was not only an acknowledgment of the driver’s upright conduct but also served as an encouragement for others to uphold ethical values and civic responsibility. The incident highlighted the importance of vigilance, cooperation, and integrity within the community, showcasing how a collective effort can lead to positive outcomes.