Bengaluru: The Karnataka State Police (KSP) has announced a notification for the recruitment of Police Constable Vacancies. Those Candidates who are interested in the vacancy details and completed all eligibility criteria can read the Notification & Apply Online.
The Age Limit of the candidates should be starting from 19 years to 27 years. Candidates should possess PUC/HSC, Diploma/ITI, or equivalent qualifications.
The vacancy details are as follows:
For Constable (Male) 2659 vacancies are available and potential candidates can apply for the same.
For Constable (Female) 874 vacancies are available and potential candidates can apply for the same.
The starting date to apply online is 25.5.2021 and the last date to apply online is 25.6.2021. The last date for payment of the fee is 28.6.2021.