Thiruvananthapuram: The Kerala Police said in Kerala today 30 – 40 km in isolated places. 40-50 kilometers per hour in isolated parts of Kerala from May 15 to May 17 due to strong winds and thundershowers. The Central Meteorological Department has forecast strong winds and thundershowers.
Lightning Caution Instructions – The risk of thunderstorms is high between 2 pm and 10 pm. Lightning Is dangerous. They cause great damage to human and animal life and to electrical and communication networks and household appliances connected to electrical conductors.
Therefore, the public should take the following precautions from the moment they start seeing the cloud. Do not refrain from taking such precautions as lightning is not visible.- Move into a safe building as soon as you see the first sign of lightning. Staying in the open will increase the risk of thunderstorms.
– Close windows and doors during thunderstorms, and do not stand near doors and windows. Sit inside the building and try not to touch the wall or floor as much as possible.
– Disconnect household appliances. Avoid proximity to electrical equipment during thunderstorms.
– Avoid using the telephone during thunderstorms.
– Children should not play in the open air or on the terrace if the weather is cloudy from 2 pm to 10 pm.
– Do not stand under trees during thunderstorms. Vehicles should not be parked in trees.
– If you are inside the vehicle during thunderstorms, stay in it. Do not leave limbs out. You will be safe inside the vehicle. Travel in vehicles such as bicycles, bikes, and tractors should be avoided during thunderstorms and seek refuge in a safe building until the thunderstorm ends. When it rains, do not go to the terrace or yard to pick up clothes during thunderstorms.
– Tie up objects that may fall in the wind.
– Avoid bathing during thunderstorms. Also, avoid collecting water from taps. Lightning may pass through pipes.
– Do not go fishing or bathing in the water during thunderstorms. As soon as you start seeing the clouds, you should stop fishing and boating and try to reach the nearest shore immediately. Do not stand on the deck of the boat during thunderstorms. Baiting and netting should be stopped during thunderstorms.
– Avoid flying kites. – It is dangerous to sit on the terrace or other high places or on tree branches during thunderstorms.
– Do not tie pets in the open at this time. Do not go to see them in the rain cloud to unpack them and replace them safely. This may cause you to be struck by lightning.
– If you are in an open space where you cannot move to a nearby building, keep your feet together and your head between your knees.
– Lightning conductors can be installed on top of buildings to protect them from lightning. A surge protector can be fitted for the safety of electrical equipment.
– Lightning strikes can cause burns, loss of vision or hearing, or even a heart attack. It should be noted that there is no electric current in the body of the person who has been struck by lightning. So do not hesitate to give first aid to the person who is struck by lightning. The first thirty seconds of a lightning strike are life-saving golden moments. Get medical help immediately to the person who was struck by lightning.
Summer rains of an unpredictable nature will begin at noon, accompanied by wind and thunder. The vigilance should not be diminished by the clear sky during the day. Note that the District Meteorological Department (NOWCAST) forecast of rain and thundershowers in the next 3 hours will be updated at regular intervals on the website of the Central Meteorological Department at Strictly follow the guidelines of the Disaster Management Authority.