Thiruvananthapuram: The Kerala Police while creating awareness to the parents concerning the safety of their children said with the advent of online learning, children are often in control of their mobiles, computers, laptops, etc. Have you noticed that your children’s digital devices, platforms, and apps have Parental Control Settings?
Parental Control Settings is a set of settings that control the type of content that children can view online. These systems help protect children from things they should not see online.
Have parents made sure that these safety restrictions are set correctly to ensure the safety of their children?
Most social media providers provide parental control services not only on the phone but also on their website / App to keep children safe.
These settings help parents decide what apps/software their children should see, what they should search for, and what apps/software they should use.
These settings filter the content of the website based on the age of the child.
So make sure these safety restrictions are maximized to ensure the safety of your children online.