Thiruvananthapuram: The Kerala police while creating awareness on money laundering said I have noticed that text messages and phone calls are coming in saying that your BSNL SIM card will be blocked and you should contact us as soon as possible for KYC verification. Then you will be asked to enter the “BSNL KYC ID number” that appears when the application opens and after pressing the agree with a button on the screen you will be able to recharge your own mobile number online for Rs.10 using a Credit / Debit card.
But with the recharge amount, you will lose tens of thousands of rupees. Here the ATM card number that you type on the screen and the secret OTP that comes in will fall into the hands of the fraudster as well.
Do not give your bank details or bank debit or credit card details against such persons for any reason. In case of fraud, contact the concerned bank and police station as soon as possible.