<![CDATA[A-four-year-old girl was critically injured after a man fell right on top of her from the second floor of a building in Tondiarpet in Chennai on Sunday night. At 8-30 p.m., as Dhanyashri was walking with her grandfather P. Arunagiri to a nearby grocery shop,Siva, 30, living on the second floor above the shop, fell on top of her. The police suspect that Siva, who might have been in an inebriated condition, fell through a gap in the grill door on the balcony. Dhanyashri lost consciousness and was rushed to the Apollo Hospitals in Tondiarpet. She was later moved to the main hospital on Greams Road. Hospital authorities said the child was critical. She has swelling in the brain and has suffered fractures in the spine and leg. She was under sedation and her condition would be reassessed after 48 hours, doctors said. Ironically, Siva suffered only a fracture on his left leg. Dhanyashri is the second daughter of Sridhar and Yamuna Devi. The couple has another daughter, seven-year-old Yashika. The police have registered a case against Siva under Section 338 of the IPC (Causing grievous hurt by act endangering life or personal safety of others) based on a complaint from the girl’s father.]]>