Haryana, Panipat: The diligent efforts of the Haryana Police have led to a remarkable reunion of a young woman with her long-lost family after 15 years. Neha, a 22-year-old woman, had been missing since 2010 when she was reported missing by her family in Wardha, Maharashtra. After years of uncertainty, Neha, who is currently in her second year of a Bachelor of Arts program, contacted ASI Rajesh, a member of the Anti-Human Trafficking Unit, for assistance. She had been living in a government-run ashram while continuing her education.
The investigation by the Haryana Police, who was following up on the case, revealed the connection to the missing person’s FIR filed at the Wardha police station in Maharashtra. Thanks to the dedication and persistence of the officers involved, Neha was eventually located and rescued from Panipat, Haryana, where she had been residing for an extended period of time.
The joyful reunion was an emotional moment for Neha’s family, who had been living in agony and uncertainty for over a decade. They expressed their heartfelt gratitude to the Haryana Police for their role in bringing their daughter back home. The successful recovery of Neha is a testament to the commitment and hard work of the law enforcement authorities, particularly the Anti-Human Trafficking Unit, which continues to work tirelessly to protect vulnerable individuals and reunite them with their families.