Raipur: In Raipur, following the directives of Senior Superintendent of Police, Mr. Prashant Aggarwal IPS, and led by Additional Superintendent of Police, City, Mr. Lakhan Patle, measures have been taken to enhance security, peace, and law enforcement. All police station in-charges have been instructed to scrutinize and address the presence of troublemakers and criminal elements in their respective areas. Subsequently, after verification, they have been directed to take appropriate legal action.
Under the supervision of City Superintendents of Police, police station in-charges have summoned and paraded individuals with criminal backgrounds, advising them to abstain from unlawful activities and prioritize family life. They were also urged to promptly comply with police requests and cooperate in maintaining security, peace, and order. On January 29, 2024, more than 90 individuals with criminal affiliations were summoned and checked at police stations. Legal actions, including those under the Arms Act, were taken against six offenders, while preventive measures were enforced against 36 individuals suspected of criminal activities. Additionally, visible policing, including foot patrols and checks on public spaces, is being conducted to address various issues such as gatherings, drug-related activities, anti-social elements, and public alcohol consumption.