Andhra Pradesh, Srikakulam: As part of the Maha Sankalpam program spearheaded by the Srikakulam District Two Town Police Station, an event was held on Sunday morning at the Arts College grounds to promote awareness about the dangers of drug abuse. The occasion was marked by the unveiling of the “No Drugs Bro” and “Sankalpam” posters, specially designed and published by the police to resonate with the younger generation and inspire them to lead a drug-free life. The unveiling ceremony was graced by the presence of Union Civil Aviation Minister Sri K. Rammohan Naidu and MLA G. Shankar, who jointly unveiled the posters in a symbolic gesture of commitment toward combating drug addiction. Addressing the gathering, the dignitaries emphasized the severe consequences of substance abuse, particularly focusing on the harmful effects of drugs like marijuana, and called upon the youth to make a conscious effort to stay away from such detrimental habits. The program highlighted the collective resolve of the police, government officials, and community leaders to foster a healthier, drug-free society.