Pithoragarh: On the 2nd of July 2023, Mr. Mayank Samant, a resident of Takana in Pithoragarh District, filed a comprehensive complaint with the Cyber Cell in Pithoragarh District. He detailed that he had received a message enticing him to engage in online work from the comfort of his home. Intrigued, he clicked on the message and found instructions on training and the procedures for performing tasks online. Following the provided instructions, the complainant deposited Rs.200/- into a designated account. In return, Rs.90/- was credited to his account as a commission, accompanied by the issuance of a Telegram link.
Unfortunately, this initial interaction led to a series of fraudulent activities, and the plaintiff found himself ensnared in the deceitful tactics of fraudsters. The total amount defrauded from him summed up to a staggering Rs.664,663/- across various transactions.
Prompted by this grievous complaint, the authorities registered a case under Section 420 of the Indian Penal Code at Pithoragarh Main Police Station. Acting upon the directives of Pithoragarh Superintendent of Police, Mr. Lokeshwar Singh, a dedicated police team, led by SP Mr. Pradeep Yadav and supported by the cyber cell, initiated an investigation into the matter.
Following diligent efforts, the police successfully apprehended two suspects on the 16th of January 2024. The accused were identified as 1- Ramesh Prasad, son of Narottam Gupta, residing in Mumbai, and 2- Bharat Singh, son of Lehru Singh, a 21-year-old resident of District Chitchaurgarh, Rajasthan, also residing in Mumbai.
The arrest operation spanned Police Station Charkot and Police Station Mitthalwai Patel Marg in Mumbai. The accused were served notices under Section 41A of the Criminal Procedure Code (CRPC), instructing them to appear before the Police or the Honourable Court at the specified time. The police team executing this operation comprised Mr. Pradeep Yadav from Dharchula Main police Station, Police Officer Mr. Govind Rautela from the Special Operations Group (SOG), and Mr. Manoj Pandey, who was in charge of the cyber cell team.