Thiruvananthapuram: The Pink Protection Project, a new initiative of the police to ensure the safety of women, has been launched. Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan flagged off the vehicles given to the pink patrol teams in front of the police headquarters in Thiruvananthapuram. State Police Chief Mr. Anil Kant IPS, DGP, and other senior officials were present on the occasion. 10 cars, 40 two-wheelers including bullets, and 20 bicycles were launched as part of the project.
The Pink Protection Project aims to prevent dowry-related insults, cyber-bullying, and public humiliation. This includes activities including activating the existing Pink Police Patrol system.
Domestic violence is often known to the police only when complaints are received. The new project includes a system called the Pink Janamaithri Beat, which provides information needed to anticipate and prevent such harassment. House-to-house domestic violence.
The Pink Janamaithri Beat System is tasked with gathering relevant information. They will collect information from panchayat members, neighbors, and other locals and hand it over to the Station House Officers for further action.
The Pink Beat system, comprising of specially trained women police officers, will now be present at KSRTC and private buses and in front of schools, colleges, and other public places, and at bus stops. To help them, pink control rooms have been set up in all 14 districts.
The Pink Shadow Patrol team will also be deployed to detect the presence of anti-socials in crowded areas and take action. Pink Romeo, a bullet patrol team consisting only of female officers, also came into existence.