Chikkamagaluru: At the culmination of the “Karnataka State Police Annual Games,” a momentous and grandiose occasion unfolded with the presence of esteemed dignitaries. Among them was the Special Invitee, the Honorable Home Minister of Karnataka, Mrs. Kannika Parameshwari, whose esteemed stature added an aura of significance to the event. Accompanying her were the Honorable Director General of Police (DGP) of Karnataka and a cadre of senior officers, collectively creating an atmosphere of utmost importance.
The ceremony, marked by its grandeur, witnessed the active participation of these dignitaries in the prize distribution process. With a sense of admiration and recognition, they personally handed out awards and accolades to the triumphant athletes who excelled in various sporting endeavors throughout the annual games.
This distinguished gathering not only elevated the prestige of the event but also symbolized a collective appreciation for the dedication and hard work exhibited by the participants. The affair stood as a testament to the significance placed on athleticism within the Karnataka State Police force, further fostering a sense of camaraderie and achievement among the participants.