<![CDATA[The Delhi Police on Thursday have arrested a 22-year-old woman in connection with multiple cases of snatching over the past six months. The accused has been living with two women, both of whom claim to be her ‘wives’, for the past two years. The Karawal Nagar resident was arrested on Tuesday after she allegedly threatened a man with a surgical blade and snatched his mobile phone. The police told that the accused targeted Manish Pal, a resident of Inderpuri, and his friend while they were returning home from coaching classes. Deputy Commissioner of Police (north-east) Mr. Ajit Kumar Singla told that Mr. Pal said his friends and he were stopped by a woman who was dressed like a man and demanded his phone. When he objected, she threatened him with a blade, snatched his phone and fled. The victims chased the woman till her residence and called the police. The accused was arrested. The police told that the accused lives with her parents and two partners, both of whom claim to be ‘married’ to her. The accused taught dance earlier and her partners danced at weddings, the police told, adding all three quit dancing. The accused told the police that she has been financially supporting her partners since. The police told that the accused used to threaten her victims with false police complaints to ensure they did not report the matter to the police. Mr. Singla told the police have recovered the phone and the surgical blade. “Further investigations are underway,”.]]>