A 22-year-old man was shot dead allegedly by three of his friends on the night of October 10 after the victim objected to the accused smoking inside his house in north-west Delhi’s Ashok Vihar. The accused were arrested on Saturday. The victim, Brijesh Kumar, was shot dead allegedly by Bhola, Vijay, and Arjun after Brijesh asked Bhola to not smoke inside his house as his father has respiratory problems. “The victim had invited the three for a get-together on October 9. Brijesh asked Bhola to go out of the house and smoke. The two had an argument over this and Brijesh slapped Bhola,” said DCP (North-West) Mr.Milind Mahadeo Dumbere. Since Bhola’s ego was hurt, he planned to eliminate Brijesh and roped in the other two accused. The three invited him to drink together, took him to their car where Bhola shot him in the head, the police said. They later dumped his body in a canal in Bawana. When Brijesh Kumar didn’t return home, his family filed a missing report in Ashok Vihar police station. The accused had allegedly gone with the family to file the complaint. After the body was found, the family was questioned. They told the police about Brijesh’s fight with Bhola. “When the police started looking for them, they were found to be on the run,” said a senior police officer. The three were finally apprehended from east Delhi on Saturday with the help of local and technical surveillance and they confessed to committing the murder.