Raipur: In Raipur District, the police have initiated a comprehensive and rigorous operation aimed at enhancing public safety during the night. This operation involves the intensive checking of suspicious individuals and vehicles at numerous strategic locations across the city. Starting from 8 PM and continuing until late at night, police teams are deployed to conduct detailed inspections.
These inspections are not superficial but involve thorough searches for any suspicious objects, contraband, or illegal items. Officers are equipped with advanced tools and trained in techniques to identify hidden or disguised threats. Additionally, there is a significant focus on combating drunk driving. Sobriety checkpoints are set up, and drivers are subjected to breathalyzer tests to ensure they are not under the influence of alcohol.
The police are also on high alert for other potential criminal activities, including drug trafficking and theft. They are using technology such as CCTV cameras and mobile apps to aid in real-time monitoring and quick response. This large-scale operation involves coordination among various police units, including traffic police, crime branch, and special task forces.
The goal of this initiative is to create a safer environment for residents and deter criminal activities during nighttime hours. By maintaining a visible and proactive presence, the Raipur police aim to reassure the public and ensure that law and order are upheld throughout the city.