Karnataka, Kalaburagi City: The Honorable Commissioner of Police, Dr. Sharanappa S.D., IPS, made a compassionate visit to the hospital where police personnel were undergoing treatment after sustaining injuries during the apprehension of the accused, Imtiaz Parrot. During his visit, the Commissioner meticulously assessed the condition of the injured officers, engaging in detailed discussions with medical professionals to understand the course of treatment being administered. He personally interacted with the injured personnel, offering words of encouragement and support, and assured them of the department’s unwavering commitment to their well-being. Dr. Sharanappa further convened a meeting with hospital authorities and senior police officials, stressing the importance of providing the best possible medical care and rehabilitation to facilitate a swift and complete recovery. He instructed both the medical and police teams to extend all necessary support and resources to the injured personnel and their families, reaffirming the department’s recognition of their dedication and sacrifices in the line of duty.