A 55-year-old Delhi Police constable was killed after his motorcycle was hit by a truck in Model Town on Wednesday. Constable Mr. Vinod Malik, who lived in at Shahdara. was deployed with the 1st Battalion of the Delhi Armed Police. He is survived by his wife and two children. He was returning home when his bike was hit by a truck on Tuesday night. Mr. Malik was rushed to a hospital, where he was declared dead, said a police officer. The police told that the incident happened on the road between Azadpur and Kingsway Camp in north-west Delhi. The truck driver escaped from the spot after the accident. A biker who was passing-by rushed Mr. Malik to a nearby hospital. The constable suffered injuries as his helmet was not fastened at the time of the accident, the officer said. A case has been registered by the police based on the information provided by the biker. Efforts are on to nab the driver of the truck, which bore a Jammu and Kashmir registration number. We on behalf of Police News Plus express our heart felt condolences for the family of the deceased police officer.