Andhra Pradesh, Kakinada: The sixth day of the physical examination process for police constable candidates was conducted at the Armed Reserve Grounds in Kakinada district. This crucial phase of the police recruitment process commenced early in the morning under the direct supervision of Kakinada District Superintendent of Police, Sri Vikrant Patil, IPS. Superintendent Patil personally monitored the proceedings, ensuring the smooth and transparent execution of the examinations.
The recruitment process strictly adheres to the guidelines and protocols established by the Andhra Pradesh State Level Police Recruitment Board (APSLPRB). Emphasizing fairness and transparency, the physical examination process incorporates advanced technical systems and methodologies to eliminate any possibility of bias or error. This ensures that only the most deserving candidates advance in the recruitment process.
Today’s examinations specifically focused on male candidates, who underwent rigorous physical fitness tests designed to assess their capabilities and readiness for the role of a police constable. The tests included a series of standard physical challenges, all conducted under the watchful eyes of experienced personnel to maintain integrity and precision.
This transparent and meticulously organized process reflects the commitment of the Andhra Pradesh Police Department to recruit highly capable and physically fit individuals, thereby ensuring the highest standards in law enforcement and public service.