Wayanad: Recently, the Janmaitri Police Project conducted a house visit to the Scheduled Tribes residing in Wayanad district. The project aims to provide support and assistance to these communities and foster a positive relationship between the police and the local population. During this particular visit, the Wayanad District Police Chief, Mr. Anand R IPS, led the effort and distributed tarpaulin sheets to the owners of houses with leaking roofs in the Plantation area under Vythiri Police Station.
The distribution of tarpaulin sheets is a significant step in helping those who face difficulties during the monsoon season when roofs tend to leak, causing considerable inconvenience to the residents. The initiative is part of a broader effort to improve the living conditions of the Scheduled Tribes residing in the district and help them access essential services.
The event was attended by several notable individuals, including the President of Poshuthana Panchayat, Smt. Anas Rosna Steffi, who is actively involved in community welfare initiatives. Additionally, the Sub-Inspector of Vythiri Police Station, Mr. Salim M.K, and Mr. Sunil Anthony, the Convener of the 8th Ward, also participated in the event.
This gesture from the police department showcases their commitment to serving the community and improving the lives of those who need assistance the most. Such initiatives go a long way in building trust and strengthening the bond between the police and the local population, ultimately contributing to a safer and more peaceful society. The Janmaitri Police Project’s efforts to support the Scheduled Tribes in Wayanad district are a positive step towards creating a more equitable and just society.