New Delhi: On Sunday night, during the grappling argument over shoulder collision between the duo party the intervener became the victim of a suffering agent. The name of the victim stabbed was identified as Yaseen, aged 18. He tried to pacify to a scuffle between the duo party instead he was allegedly stabbed to death. According to a Senior Police Official, after having finished the supper, Yaseen and Shadaab were sitting on a rickshaw out the staircase of the ground floor. In the meantime, Danish, talking over the phone with someone and Farman were getting down from the first floor of the building, while from the opposite direction the duo Mohammad Rizwan and Shehnawaz were climbing upstairs. In the middle of the staircase, between Rizwan and Danish’s shoulders collided accidentally. The argument broke out between two parties. After that, all four came down to the street and the matter was intensified all the more. Looking at the intensive and obstinate dispute, Yaseen and his friend Farman intervened. During the process of invention, Shehnawaz was enraged by the words of Farman and took out a knife and stabbed Yaseen impulsively. Immediately, Farman caught hold of Shehnawaz in order to prevent him from further action but he too was forcefully stabbed in his abdomen. The duo was rushed to the hospital where Yaseen succumbed to death while Farman fighting for his normal life still. Police have registered a case and Rizwan and Shehnawawz have been arrested and the knife used for the stabbing was seized. However, police said that none of the culprits arrested were involved in the criminality nor the victim. Nevertheless, the appropriate measures of punishment would be taken by the police said the officials.]]>