Vijayawada: On December 13, 2023, Andhra Pradesh State DGP K. Rajendranath Reddy IPS conducted a review meeting at Chillakallu Police Station in the NTR District’s Jaggaiyapet Mandal, near the Madras Cement Limited Factory Campus, focusing on employee training. Deputy Commissioner of Police Mr. Vishal Gunni, I.P., under the guidance of N.T.R. District City Police Commissioner Mr. Kanti Rana Tata, I.P.S., informed the personnel about the directives from the DGP. A subsequent review meeting took place on December 14, 2023, at the Commissioner of Police’s office.
During the meeting, the East Zone Deputy Commissioner of Police highlighted the significant reduction in theft, robbery, road accidents, and crimes against women. The implementation of a conviction-based policing system led to numerous punishments, eradication of misconduct in the city, and the sentencing of habitual criminals. The implementation of PD Acts was credited for the decrease in the crime rate in the NTR district. State DGP K. Rajendranath Reddy IPS commended the district police officers and staff for their achievements.
Furthermore, additional orders were issued to the Crime Branch. Directives included increasing regular foot patrolling, patrolling, and beats in the city, along with strict surveillance on suspects. Counseling sessions for individuals involved in various cases were mandated to make them aware of the repercussions of their actions. Efforts were instructed to reduce pending cases and resolve them promptly. Courtesy and respectful treatment of complainants at police stations was emphasized.
In ganja-related cases, a timely filing of the charge sheet was ordered. All staff members were urged to enhance their performance in their respective duties. Special attention was directed towards the investigation of cases related to women, ensuring no incidents of eve-teasing. Careful handling of accused individuals brought to the station was stressed. Identification of traffic-related black spots and measures to reduce road accidents were emphasized. Special vigilance was ordered against blade batch, cannabis users, and sellers. The program saw the participation of West A.C.P. Dr. K. Hanumantha Rao, South A.CP. Dr. B. Ravikiran, inspectors, and staff.
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Mr. Bharath Reddy