Andhra Pradesh, Kakinada: District Superintendent of Police (SP), Shri Vikrant Patil, IPS, received public complaints at the Kakinada District Police Office. A public grievance redressal forum was conducted today at the District Police Office under his supervision. A total of 60 complainants attended the program and personally conveyed their grievances to the District SP. He listened to their concerns, directly interacted with the relevant police officers, and provided necessary instructions and guidance to ensure timely resolution of the issues. The District SP emphasized that individuals unable to visit the District Police Office can lodge their complaints at local police stations, circle offices, and sub-division offices across the district. These complaints will be treated as part of the public grievance redressal forum and addressed promptly. The program was attended by Shri MJV Bhaskara Rao, Additional SP, and ASP Kumari Susmita, IPS, who is currently undergoing training.