Chhattisgarh, Raipur: Raipur Police demonstrate swift and efficient action: Accused involved in fraudulent sale of high-value rented vehicles apprehended within 24 hours, with property exceeding Rs.2 crore recovered.
Responding promptly to a complaint of fraud filed by an applicant, a joint team comprising personnel from the Anti-Crime and Cyber Unit (ACCU) and Civil Lines police station successfully arrested the accused within 24 hours. The individual was accused of a meticulously planned scheme where expensive vehicles were rented under false pretenses and subsequently sold to unsuspecting buyers.
In a well-coordinated operation, the police managed to seize an impressive haul of 23 four-wheelers valued at Rs.2.02 crore. These vehicles were recovered not only from the accused but also from various individuals who had unknowingly purchased them. The prompt response and thorough investigation highlight the Raipur Police’s dedication to maintaining law and order and ensuring justice is served.