Ranchi: In the jurisdiction of Ratu police station in Ranchi, a case of demanding extortion amounting to Rs.5 lakh was reported. However, the Ranchi police did not hesitate to act swiftly and decisively. They immediately launched an investigation into the matter and worked diligently to apprehend the culprits involved.
Thanks to their efficient efforts, three criminals who were responsible for the extortion attempt were successfully tracked down and apprehended. Following their arrest, the police ensured that they were promptly presented before the appropriate judicial authorities, who subsequently ordered them to be remanded in judicial custody.
The exemplary display of professionalism, dedication, and responsiveness by the Ranchi police in handling this sensitive case is a testament to their commitment to upholding the law and ensuring the safety and security of the community they serve. Such actions instill confidence in the public and send a strong message to potential wrongdoers that illegal activities will not be tolerated in the city.