Chandigarh: On Sunday, in Chandigarh, police arrested a man from Ludhiana and his accomplice for sexually assaulting a female acquaintance at a hotel in Sector 43. The incident occurred after they invited her to watch an IPL match on television. Additionally, two separate cases of sexual offenses against women were reported in Chandigarh and Mohali on the same day. The arrested individuals were identified as Sukhwinder Singh, aged 32, and his associate Akash, aged 35. The victim disclosed that she had known Sukhwinder for six months prior to the incident.
On Sunday, he reserved a hotel room in Sector 43 under the pretext of watching an IPL match and invited her over. Upon her arrival, she found Akash accompanying Sukhwinder. Subsequently, they sexually assaulted her, prompting her to contact the police control room (PCR) for assistance. Law enforcement officers swiftly responded to the distress call and apprehended the suspects at the hotel. They have been charged under Section 376 (rape) of the Indian Penal Code at the Sector 36 police station.