Tamil Nadu, Madurai: The 76th Republic Day was celebrated in the Vadipatti area with various events. Justice Rama Kishore presided over the proceedings at the Madurai District Law and Criminal Justice Arbitration Court in Vadipatti. Justice Chelliah hoisted the national flag and distributed sweets. The event was attended by Legal Scholars Association President Arichandhiran, Muthumani, Secretary Murugesan, Treasurer Sivaraman, Vice President Alaghesan, and Lawyer Parthasarathy, who presided over the meeting. Former Head Var Selvakumar delivered the welcome address, and the gathering included members of the Lawyers’ Association and court staff. The event concluded with a vote of thanks by former secretary Muthu Ramalingam.
At the Vadipatti Taluk Office, Tahsildar Ramachandran presided over the flag-hoisting ceremony. Similarly, at the Vadipatti Panchayat Union Office, Union Commissioner Lakshmi Kantam led the event and hoisted the flag.
In Vadipatti Municipality, the ceremony was led by Municipality Chairman Balbandian, who hoisted the flag and distributed sweets. Vice President Karthik presided over the event, which was welcomed by Alu Valar Jayalakshmi.
At Gandhiji Primary School, Chairman Tanapal presided over the function, with Headmaster Venkatalekshmi overseeing the event. Teacher Peter delivered the welcome address, and School Secretary Nageswaran hoisted the flag. The event concluded with a vote of thanks by author Requelin Estarti.
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Mr. Ravi