Bidhannagar : The Bidhannagar Police Commissionerate organised a Saanjhbaati Sandhya for the member senior citizens at Biswa Bangla Convention Centre on 3.12.2022. It was attended by many senior citizens who enjoyed the melodious singing of Mrs. Usha Uthup and some very nice dance performances. Also a host of new measures were announced for them which include, I-Cards for all the members.
Special discounts in various services at more than 180 pharmacies, diagnostic centers and hospitals spread all across Bidhannagar Police Commissionerate area, Bed side switches for alarm bells to alert neighbourhood for more than 250 Saanjhbaati members who stay all alone. An application software which is under progress to facilitate mobility, emergency help and interaction between the members. The occasion was graced by various dignitaries and senior officers.
Our, Reporter in Chief
R. Manoj Kumar Sharma
Siliguri City, West Bengal