Ambala: The Haryana Police yesterday organised a seminar under the chairmanship of ADGP RC Mishra in Ambala City for better coordination with panches and sarpanches. Senior district police officials, panches and sarpanches of Ambala attended the seminar and expressed their views. Mishra said: “If the police and people work together, crime could be checked. He appealed to people to install CCTV cameras outside their houses as the police have managed to solve several cases by using CCTV footage.” SP Abhishek Jorwal said: “Sarpanches play an important role in maintaining law and order in villages. Whenever there is a dispute in the village, it is panches and sarpanches who get the information first. If the matter is resolved quickly, law and order can be maintained”. He asked the panchayat representatives to inform the police if they notice any unknown person residing in their villages or if someone was selling drugs. ]]>