Chhattisgarh, Narayanpur: Under the influence of the “Save Maad” campaign, an initiative launched by the Narayanpur District police to free the region and its people from the influence of illegal Maoist ideologies, a significant breakthrough has been achieved with the voluntary surrender of 8 Naxalites. This group comprises 3 male and 5 female members, highlighting the campaign’s far-reaching impact on individuals across different levels of the insurgency. Notably, among those who surrendered, one individual had a bounty of 5 lakh rupees on their head, while three others carried rewards of 1 lakh rupees each.
The surrender of these extremists is being hailed as a major success in the ongoing counterinsurgency operations, signaling a shift in the perception of the Maoist movement within the region. The relentless efforts of the security forces, combined with strategic community outreach and confidence-building measures under the “Save Maad” campaign, have played a pivotal role in encouraging the rebels to abandon the path of violence and reintegrate into mainstream society.
Authorities believe that this development will inspire more Naxalites to surrender in the near future, fostering a climate of hope and progress in the once insurgency-ridden region. The surrendered individuals are now being provided with rehabilitation support, including vocational training and financial assistance, as part of the government’s surrender and rehabilitation policy.
The “Save Maad” initiative continues to focus on engaging local communities, spreading awareness about government welfare programs, and reinforcing the message that a peaceful future lies beyond the influence of extremist ideologies. This successful surrender underscores the effectiveness of the campaign and the unwavering commitment of law enforcement agencies to restore peace and security in Narayanpur District.