Anantapur: In the month of December, collaborative efforts between SEB officials and the police in Anantapur district led to widespread raids targeting illegal activities. A total of 15,504 tetra packets and 4,226 liters of jaggery, utilized in the illicit distillation of liquor, were destroyed. Additionally, 249 cases were filed against individuals illegally transporting liquor from Karnataka to the district, resulting in the arrest of 404 individuals. The authorities seized 481 liters of country-made liquor, 924 liquor bottles, Rs. 11,96,050/- in cash, 59 vehicles, and 48 mobile phones.
In the context of sand smuggling, 43 cases were registered, with 44 individuals arrested. Further, 44 vehicles involved in the illegal transportation of sand were confiscated, and a fine of Rs.6.40 lakhs was imposed. Apart from these, 49 petty cases were recorded, leading to the arrest of 49 individuals, with Rs. 44,300/- in cash seized from them. DGP Mr. K.V. Rajendranath Reddy IPS commended the Anantapur Police for the extensive raids conducted.
Our Citizen Reporter – Telangana
Mr. Bharath Reddy