Chikkamagaluru: In the district of Chikkamagaluru, a dedicated team of clerical staff from the District Police Office is diligently embarking on a comprehensive endeavor. Their mission is to meticulously traverse through each and every police station and unit dispersed across the district’s expanse. With great care and attention to detail, they are presenting the service books of all police personnel for scrutiny and verification.
This meticulous process involves an exhaustive examination of each service book, ensuring that all entries are accurate and up-to-date. Any discrepancies or errors discovered along the way are promptly rectified on the spot, with corrections meticulously noted. Moreover, the team is meticulously ensuring that each police officer acknowledges and validates the contents of their service book by affixing their signature upon review.
Through this diligent and methodical approach, the team is not merely administering paperwork; they are fostering a culture of precision and accountability within the police force. Their efforts serve as a testament to the commitment of the District Police Office to uphold the highest standards of professionalism and transparency in their operations.