Haridwar: In Haridwar, an alarming incident unfolded when two individuals, Sahil and Sahib, were caught filming reels in the dangerous waters of the Ganga canal, recklessly putting their lives at risk for the sake of increasing their social media following. The duo was reportedly engaging in perilous stunts and posing for videos, attempting to create content that would attract more views and followers on platforms like Instagram and other social media networks.
This reckless behavior was not only a serious personal safety hazard but also a violation of local regulations designed to protect public order and safety around the sacred and historically significant Ganga canal. Upon receiving reports of their actions, the Haridwar police took swift and decisive action. Under the provisions of the Police Act, the authorities imposed fines (challaned) on both Sahil and Sahib for their misconduct.
Additionally, in a stringent crackdown to prevent such dangerous activities from being glorified online, the police took further steps. They ensured that all video content related to the incident was removed from social media platforms. Furthermore, to discourage them from repeating such reckless acts, the authorities coordinated with the respective platforms to have their social media accounts completely deleted.
The police also issued a stern warning to Sahil and Sahib, emphasizing the severe consequences of such irresponsible behavior and urging them to refrain from any future actions that could jeopardize their own lives or public safety. This incident highlights the growing concern over individuals risking personal harm to gain attention and followers on social media, and the firm stance law enforcement is taking to address such trends.