Punjab, Bathinda: The Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) of Bathinda, in a gesture of respect and reverence, participated in the Bhog Samagam of Shri Akhand Path Sahib Ji, a sacred and spiritually enriching ceremony meticulously organized by the District Bar Association of Bathinda. This auspicious occasion was marked by the culmination of the continuous recitation of the holy scriptures, drawing a congregation of legal professionals, community leaders, and citizens from diverse walks of life. The event served as a beacon of spiritual enlightenment, emphasizing the timeless principles of peace, harmony, and unity that form the cornerstone of a progressive and compassionate society. Through this gathering, participants were reminded of the profound importance of fostering mutual understanding, collective responsibility, and a shared commitment to promoting values that transcend individual differences. The SSP’s presence at the ceremony not only reinforced the significance of community engagement but also reflected a commitment to upholding the ethos of inclusivity and spiritual solidarity.