Punjab, Bathinda: The Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) of Bathinda District convened a comprehensive and strategic crime meeting with all Group Officers (GOs), Station House Officers (SHOs), and the In-Charge (I/C) Units across the district. The primary focus of this meeting was to address the growing need for the swift resolution of pending cases within the police stations and various units. During the meeting, the SSP emphasized the urgent necessity for all officers to prioritize the clearance of backlogged cases, with a special emphasis on cases requiring immediate attention.
Additionally, the SSP directed the officers to adopt a more proactive approach in combating criminal activities by taking firm and decisive action against anti-social elements operating within the district. Clear and stern instructions were issued to ensure that no leniency was shown towards individuals or groups threatening public peace and safety. Officers were reminded of their responsibility to uphold the rule of law and maintain strict control over the law and order situation, ensuring that the safety and security of the citizens remained a top priority.